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 Going-all in is everything. It keeps us alive, it makes us know ourselves, it makes us know what we want to excel at and yes, it also makes us successful.  Be sure of your success no matter the mistakes     The Latin poet Horace e ncouraged his friend       Massimo Lollio to "dare to be wise" in his "Epistles."     That means "have the courage to know!" Centuries  later, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant adopted the expression as the motto for the Enlightenment movement, saying " Have the courage to think for yourself!" Having courage, daring first and foremost. These tools help us understand our lives and ourselves, and they also help us achieve practical or conceptual goals.  How many times out of pure fear of failing at something do we decide not to even try, or to keep delaying? If we won't succeed, we may think we're not skilled in that area and might avoid it to protect our self-esteem. We always want to feel com...

Sleep is a non-negotiable biological necessity


Matthew Walker is a neuroscientist and one of the foremost sleep experts in the world. In his book “Why we sleep” he provides essential information for each of us.

We live in a society where sleeping is absolutely not taken care of, but rather demonized and experienced as a waste of time. Nothing could be more wrong: getting little sleep causes health problems for the immune and cardiovascular systems, leads to infections, and even Alzheimer’s. I advise you to read the book or, in the meantime, for ease, to watch this short video that explains the main notions that will change the way you see sleep and also how you live.


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